Payment Retry
In case of payment errors, Craftgate allows you to increase your payment conversion rate by trying to maintain necessary routings to re-make the payment from your other virtual POS or from your contracted payment/e-money institutions with the lowest commission.

Increase your conversion rates and provide an uninterrupted, easy and fast shopping experience for your customers with the Payment Retry Method.
We give back the possible turnover losses of our merchants!
Thanks to Payment Retry service, we enable our merchants a frictionless payment collection even in systemic and instantaneous payment errors and increase their payment success rates and revenues.
+ 538.3 Million TRY
The amount we saved with Payment Retry in 2024
Increase in Payment Conversion Rate
Do not lose on your turnover due to errors that may occur during payment. Keep growing your business with the quick solutions offered by Craftgate.
Customer Satisfaction
Provide an uninterrupted shopping experience by instantly resolving any error during payment without your customer having any idea about it.

Get Started with Craftgate Now
Start using Craftgate now to receive payments from all debit and credit cards accessing contracted virtual POS and payment institutions with a single integration.